看绝望的主妇学高频短语:In one’s corner
In one’s corner: Giving one’s full support to someone.If someone is in your corner, they are supporting you and helping you.As in It’s good to know that whatever happens, he’ll support me and be in my corner. Note: You can also say that you have someone in your corner. As in From words spoken after our meeting, we felt we already had Bob Uhlein in our corner.

中文释义:我们知道拳击比赛时双方在拳击场上会有一个角落,那个角落通常会有一个或者多个人负责给拳击手加油打气或者递茶水、毛巾,擦掉拳击手脸上的血迹等。In one’s corner本来是拳击术语,但当下已经广泛应用到其他场景中。所以当有人在你的角落,通常指有这样的人在一旁为你加油打气,支持着你。例句:I trust my brother completely. He has always been in my corner.(我完全信任我哥。他一直以来都在一旁支持我。)
