看绝望的主妇学高频短语:In one’s defense
In one’s defense: It means that someone is defending himself/herself and his/her opinion; in support of (someone or something) that is being verbally attacked or criticized; Defense is talking about protection. when you say “In my defense” it means your protecting yourself or standing by something you’ve said or believe. For example, if someone says “you are late!”, you can respond with, “In my defense, it was storming outside.”

中文释义:in one’s defense以”某人”的立场来说,去捍卫某人的立场,维护某人。例句:Let me say, in her defense, that I would have done the same thing that she did.(从她的立场来说,我也会做同样的事情。)in one’s defense和in someone’s corner的区别:in one’s defense是指当某人受到了不公、指责,或做错了事,帮其辩解,维护某人,而in someone’s corner通常指站在某人一旁为其加油打气,支持(或鼓励)某人。
