看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Make no mistake
Make no mistake: Used to show that you are certain about something; Spoken used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, especially when you are warning about something serious or dangerous. As in Make no mistake (about it), this is one crisis that won’t just go away.

中文释义:Make no mistake一般用在对严重或危险之事提出告诫时,用作感叹词的意思: (常用于告诚对方、说话者)不要把事情想歪了,不要做出错误的推论,不要对说话者将要阐述的观点有任何怀疑,强调自己所说的是事实。例句:Make no mistake, this decision is going to cause you a lot of problems.(毫无疑问,这个决定会给你带来许多问题。)
