看绝望的主妇学英语习语:Nip sth in the bud
Nip sth in the bud :To stop something before it has an opportunity to become established ; to fix a small problem before it becomes a big problem(防患于未然). As in “Many serious illnesses can be nipped in the bud if they are detected early enough.”(如果及早发现,许多严重的疾病都能被消灭在萌芽状态)
中文释义:Nip sth in the bud表示防患于未然,把坏事消灭于萌芽阶段(take preventive measures),近义表达有prevention is better than cure. 举例:Discipline is about nipping things in the bud while love is always subtle and sincere.(严在防患于未然,爱须真诚到细微)。补充:bud表示芽、花蕾,budding可用来表示“初露头角的”(beginning to show a particular talent),举例:The rosebushes are budding.(玫瑰花正含苞待放)