

Pardon?  I’m sorry, my English is poor.





Narrator: My name is Mary Alice Young. 我叫玛丽·艾莉丝·杨

——>> When you read this morning’s paper, 如果你看了今天的早报

——>> you may come across an article 可能会读到一篇报道

——>> about the unusual day I had last week. 有关我上周异常的一天

——>> Normally, there’s never anything newsworthy about my life, 通常 我的生活没有任何新闻价值

——>> but that all changed last Thursday. 然而 直到上周四 一切都改变了

——>> Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first. 起初每件事情都显得很平常

——>> I made breakfast for my family. 我为家人准备早餐

——>> I performed my chores. 做家务

——>> I completed my projects. 完成手工制作

——>> I ran my errands. 取回干洗的衣服

——>> In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, 事实上 这天太平常不过了

——>> quietly polishing the routine of my life 平静地打理着家里的一切

——>> until it gleamed with perfection. 直至完美

——>> That’s why it was so astonishing when 这就是为什么

——>> I decided to go to my hallway closet 当我决定走向走廊的壁橱

——>> and retrieve a revolver 取出从没用过的左轮手枪时

——>> that had never been used. 会如此令人震惊了

——>> My body was discovered by my neighbor, 第一个发现我尸体的是

——>> Mrs. Martha Huber, 我的邻居玛莎·胡博太太

——>> who’d been startled by a strange popping sound. 她被这突如其来的声音吓了一跳

——>> Her curiosity aroused; Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason受好奇心的驱使 她想到一个

——>> for dropping in on me unannounced. 不请自来的理由

——>> After some initial hesitation, 片刻犹豫之后

——>> she decided to return the blender she 她决定把半年前

——>> had borrowed from me six months before. 借去的搅拌机还给我

Martha: It’s my neighbor. I think she’s been shot. 我的邻居 她被枪击了

——>> There’s blood everywhere. 地上全是血

——>> Yes, you’ve got to send an ambulance. 是的 快派救护车过来

——>> You’ve got to send one right now. 赶快

Narrator: And, for a moment, 然后 有那么一会

——>> Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, 胡博太太静静地站在厨房里

——>> grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy. 陷入了深深的悲伤

——>> But only for a moment. 但仅过了一小会

——>> If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, 如果说胡博太太有什么优点

——>> it was her ability to look on the bright side. 那就是凡事她都往积极的一面去想

——>> I was laid to rest on a Monday. 我的葬礼在星期一

——>> After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane 葬礼结束后 紫藤郡的邻居们

——>> came to pay their respects. 都去我家表达他们的哀思

——>> And, as people do in these situations, 他们按照惯例

——>> they brought food. 带来了食物

——>> Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken. 勒奈特·斯加沃带了炸鸡

——>> Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken. 勒奈特家有很棒的炸鸡秘方

——>> Of course, she didn’t cook much 当然 当她还在职场打拼的时候

——>> while moving up the corporate ladder. 她很少做饭

——>> She didn’t have the time. 因为没时间

——>> But when her doctor announced she was pregnant, 但当被告知怀孕后

——>> her husband Tom had an idea. 她的老公汤姆有了主意

——>>” Why not quit your job?” “你不如辞职吧”

——>> “Kids do better with stay-at-home moms.” “全职妈妈有利于孩子的成长”

——>> “It would be so much less stressful.” “这样压力也会小很多”

——>> But this was not the case. 现实却不尽如人意

——>> In fact, Lynette’s life had become so hectic 勒奈特的日子变得更加忙碌

——>> she was now forced to get her chicken 以至于她不得不去快餐店

——>> from the fast-food restaurant. 点了份外卖炸鸡

——>> Lynette would’ve appreciated 如果勒奈特回头想想

——>> the irony if she’d thought about it. 她会发现一切都背道而驰

——>> But she couldn’t. She didn’t have the time. 可惜 她根本没时间

Lynette: Stop it, stop it, stop it. 都给我停下来

Boy: But, mom. 但是 妈妈

——>> No. You are going to behave today. 别这样 你们今天得乖乖的

——>> I am not going to be humiliated 我不想在整条街的邻居

——>> in front of the entire neighborhood. 面前丢脸

——>> And, just so you know how serious I am… 你们要知道 我不是说说而已

Boy A: What’s that? 那是什么

Lynette: Santa’s cell-phone number. 圣诞老人的手机号码

Boy B: How did you get that? 你怎么得到的

Lynette: I know someone who knows someone who knows an elf. 我朋友的朋友认识一个小精灵

——>> And if any of you acts up, 如果今天你们谁捣蛋

——>> so help me, I will call Santa 相信我 我会打电话给圣诞老人

——>> and I will tell him you want socks for Christmas. 告诉他 圣诞节你们只想要袜子

——>> Are you willing to risk that? 想试试吗

——>> Ok. Let’s get this over with. 好 那就乖乖的吧

Narrator: Gabrielle Solis who lives down the 住在街角的加布丽尔·索利斯

——>> block brought a spicy paella. 带了西班牙辣味炒饭

——>> Since her modeling days in New York, 自从在纽约做了模特后

——>> Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food… 她的品位有了很大的提升只吃名贵食物

——>> and rich men. 只约有钱男人

——>> Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, 卡洛斯 从事兼并与收购业务

——>> proposed on their third date. 在第三次约会时向她求婚了

——>> Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes. 加布丽尔被他的泪水打动了

——>> But she soon discovered this happened 但她很快发现

——>> every time Carlos closed a big deal. 卡洛斯每做成一笔大生意时都会这样

——>> Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot. 加布丽尔喜欢热腾腾的炒饭

——>> However, her relationship with her 然而 她和丈夫的关系

——>> husband was considerably cooler. 却日益冷淡

Carlos: If you talk to Al Mason at this thing, 你跟艾尔·梅森聊天时

——>> I want you to casually mention不妨顺便透露下

——>> how much I paid for your necklace. 你项链的价钱

Gaby: Why not pin the receipt to my chest? 干脆在我胸前贴上标签好了

Carlos: He let me know how much he paid 他故意告诉我 他为他老婆的

——>> for his wife’s convertible. 敞篷车花了多少钱

——>> Look, just work it into the conversation. 不经意提到就好

Gaby: There’s no way I can just work that in, Carlos. 卡洛斯 我做不到很随意地插话

Carlos: Why not? At the Donahue party, 怎么会呢 在唐纳修的宴会上

——>> everyone was talking mutual funds . 每个人都在谈论公共基金

——>> You found a way to mentioned you slept with 而你却想方设法告诉大家你跟扬基队

——>> half the Yankee outfield. 一半的外场手上过床

Gaby: I’m telling you, it came up in the context of the conversation. 我再说一次 当时大家就是谈的这些

Carlos: Hey, people are starting to stare. 人们在看我们了

——>> Can you keep your voice down, please? 你能小点声吗

Gaby: Absolutely. We wouldn’t want 当然了 我们可不愿意

——>> them to think we’re not happy. 被别人发现我们不愉快

Narrator: Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, 住在隔壁的布里·范德坎普

——>> brought baskets of muffins she baked from scratch. 带了两篮她亲手烤制的松饼

——>> Bree was known for her cooking, 布里擅长烹饪

——>> and for making her own clothes, 自己缝纫做衣

——>> and for doing her own gardening, 亲手打理花园

——>> and for re-upholstering her own furniture. 甚至自己翻新家具

——>> Yes, Bree’s many talents were known是的 布里非常能干

——>> throughout the neighborhood. 远近皆知

——>> Everyone on Wisteria Lane thought of 紫藤郡的每个人都觉得

——>> Bree as the perfect wife and mother. 布里是个完美的妻子

——>> Everyone, that is, except her own family. 每个人 不包括她的家人

Bree: Paul. Zachary. 保罗 扎克

Zachary: Hello, Mrs. Van De Kamp. 你好 范德坎普太太

Paul: Bree, you shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble. 布里 不必这么麻烦的

Bree: It was no trouble at all. 一点都不麻烦

——>> Now, the basket with the red ribbon扎红丝的这篮

——>> is filled with desserts for your guests, 是为客人们准备的

——>> but the one with the blue ribbon 蓝丝带的这篮

——>> is just for you and Zachary. 是特地为你和扎克准备的

——>> It’s got rolls, muffins, 里面有面包圈 松饼

——>> breakfast type things. 和一些早餐食物

Paul: Thank you. 谢谢

Bree: Well, the least I could do is make sure 我能帮的就这些了

——>> you boys had a decent meal 至少明天早上

——>> to look forward to in the morning. 你们还能吃上顿像样的早餐

——>> I know you’re out of your minds with grief. 我知道你们悲痛万分

Paul: Yes, we are. 是的

Bree: Of course, I will need the baskets back once you’re done. 对了 吃完后请把篮子还给我

Paul: Of course. 当然

Narrator: Susan Mayer, who lives across the street, 住在对街的苏珊·梅尔

——>> brought macaroni and cheese. 带了乳酪通心粉

——>> Her husband, Karl, always teased her about her macaroni, 她丈夫卡尔 总是嘲笑她

——>> saying it was the only thing she knew how说她只会做乳酪通心粉

——>> to cook and she rarely made it well. 却还做不好

——>> It was too salty the night she 在她和卡尔刚搬入新家的那晚

——>> and Karl moved into their house. 她做的太咸了

——>> It was too watery the night she 在她发现卡尔的衣领上有口红印那晚

——>> found lipstick on Karl’s shirt. 她做的又太淡了

——>> She burned it the night Karl told her在卡尔为了他的秘书离开她的那晚

——>> he was leaving her for his secretary. 她把通心粉烤糊了

——>> A year had passed since the divorce. 离婚一年之后

——>> Susan had started to think how nice it 苏珊开始觉得

——>> would be to have a man in her life. 生命中有个男人还是挺好的

——>> Even one who would make fun of her cooking. 就算是个会嘲笑她厨艺的男人

Julie: Mom, why would someone kill themselves? 妈妈 为什么人们会自杀

Susan: Well, sometimes people are so unhappy, 因为有时候人们很不开心

——>> they think that’s the only way to solve their problems. 觉得自杀是解决问题的唯一办法

Julie: Mrs. Young always seemed happy. 杨太太看起来总是很开心啊

Susan: Yeah ,Sometimes people pretend to be one way on the outside, 没错,有时候人们对外表现出一面

——>> when they’re totally different on the inside. 而内心却是截然不同的一面

Julie: Oh, you mean like how dad’s girlfriend always smiling and就像爸爸的女朋友满脸微笑

——>> says nice things, but deep down, you just know she’s a bitch. 讲话动听 但你知道她骨子里是个贱女人

Susan: I don’t like that word, Julie. 朱莉 我不喜欢你用那个词

——>> But, yeah, that’s a great example. 不过 这个例子很棒

Paul: You’re welcome. 感谢你们的到来

Susan: What’s going on? 怎么样了

——>> Sorry I’m late. 对不起我来晚了

Guest A: Hi, Susan. 嗨 苏珊

Guest B: Hey. 嗨

Mary Alice: So, what did Karl say when you confronted him? 当你跟卡尔对质的时候他怎么说

Susan: You’ll love this. He said… 说得可好了 他说

——>>”It doesn’t mean anything. It was just sex.” “这根本不能说明什么 仅仅是性而已”

Bree: Ah, yes, page one of the philanderer’s handbook. 哦 是啊 花花公子手册第一页

Susan: Yeah, and then he got this zen look on his face, 是啊 然后他就摆出一副死猪不被开心烫的样子

——>> and he said, “you know, Susan,” 你知道 苏珊

——>> “most men live lives of quiet desperation.” 大多数男人都在压抑的绝望之中度日

Lynette: Please tell me you punched him. 告诉我你揍他

Susan: No. I said, “Really? And what do most women lead, 没有 我说 真的吗 “那么大多数女人呢

——>> lives of noisy fulfillment?” 都是在吵闹的满足中生活?”

Mary Alice: Hmm. Good for you. 说得好


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