看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Push one’s buttons
Push one’s buttons: 1. To do things that create a very strong emotional reaction in one, especially anger, irritation, or exasperation. (惹某人,刺激某人) 2. To be sexually attractive or arousing to one. (使某人兴奋)For example, My mother-in-law really knew how to push my buttons, or A good-looking redhead, she always seemed to press his buttons. This metaphoric expression transfers activating some mechanism by pushing buttons to human emotions. [Slang; 1920s]

中文释义:“Push one’s buttons”是一句非常实用的短语,其中的动词push也可替换成press。尽管我们身上并没有什么按钮,但是特定的情景却能触发我们的情绪。看到受伤的动物可能会让你流泪,排着长队等了太久可能让你心烦,看到男朋友和其他漂亮女孩聊天你会难过或愤怒…这些都是你身上的“按钮”,能够触发你的特定情绪,尤其是生气、失望或者情绪化。例句: You will push her buttons if you don’ t allow her to come.(如果你不让她来,会激怒她的。)

你知道“Button it!”什么意思吗?