看美剧学高频短语:Run through

美剧高频短语:Run through

Run through:这个短语在口语交流中,主要有三层语义:

1、go over something quickly as a reminder or rehearsal. (过一遍、核对一遍)

E.G.1:Thank you. That’s all I needed to know. Let’s run through it one more time. — Mom, it’s not brain surgery. (DH S01E04)

E.G.2:So I just wanted to run through your schedule for the rest of the week. — Mm, go ahead. (Suits S04E07)

2、to cross over something recklessly or rapidly. (跑着穿过,快速跑过)

E.G.1:But I — I broke up with him. –Then you get out there,and you do something.dramatic to show that fatty how much you care. Like,you run through the airport,and.you bust through security, and just as the doors of t plane are closing, you.scream at the top of your lungs, “cliff!”. (UB S02E07 )

E.G.2:Me running through Times Square in heels, to find a cute sailor to kiss. That ship has sailed, pun intended. (SATC S05E01)

3、be present in every part of something; pervade. (在…流过; 上下翻滚)

E.G.1:Alex, where’s that blood you were using this morning on your finger? — Running through my veins, keeping me alive. (MF  S06E06)

E.G.2:This champagne is running through me. You, bud, pull over, I need to take a Ieak. (SATC S02E10 )

扩展表达:Run through the walls:To come up against an immovable[ɪ’muːvəbl]  or insurmountable[ˌɪnsə’maʊntəbl] difficulty or obstacle; to do whatever it takes to succeed.  (直面难以逾越的困难和障碍)


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