
Lucky streak [striːk]a series of lucky wins in gambling or games.  (一连串的好运气,尤指赌博或游戏连续赢得筹码)

2、a period of time during which something continues to happen. (事情接二连三、连续不停的发生)

3、A part of a person’s character, especially an unpleasant part. (尤指不好的)性格特质

4、(Informal)This usually refers to (a)a lack of sex but can also be applied to any recurring disappointment

Lasagna [lə’zɑːnjə]:烤宽面条(上浇肉末番茄汁)

Charade [ʃə’reɪd]:看手势猜字谜游戏;明显的(易识破的)伪装


The Americanization Of Emily:艾米丽的美国梦 (1964年的黑白美国电影)

E.G.2:I’m undefeated. Why spoil my winning streak by playing when I’m not up to it? Honey,people…know that you’re sick. They don’t expect you to be at your absolute best. (DH S04E03)

E.G.4:Well, to be honest, first, we bought you pie, then you tried to extort money from us. — See? There it is again, Lynette. That mean streak.  (尖酸刻簿的性子)

单词“streak”的搭配及用法:On a lucky/winning — bad/losing streak:

E.G.1:He wanted me to come here. He said I was on a lucky streak. And he was right. I am. (DH S07E18)

E.G.2:M.J. Is having a bit of a self-esteem crisis lately, and, uh, he feels like he’s on a losing streak, so I really, really need him to win this one. (DH S06E18)


Carlos:What are we celebrating?
Gaby:A new record. It’s been 38 days since we last had sex, And that streak is ending tonight. (DH S08E02)
Carlos:Seriously, it’s been that long?
[04:18.44]38 days.
[04:20.86]That’s like three years in hoo-hah time.

Lynette:Is there a problem?
Tom:You don’t remember? Last night, we were having sex? You fell asleep?
Lynette:Oh. Was it good?
Tom:I didn’t finish. God, you ruined our streak, Lynette.
Lynette:I’m sorry. I was exhausted.

Hoo-ha time:an occasion when there is too much interest in or discussion about something that is not important. (fuss, uproar)

The universal term of your private parts. (vagina)

Keep sth bottled up inside:To keep (a feeling or emotion) inside instead of expressing it, to hold one’s feelings within. (将事情藏在心里不予表露)


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