Desperate Housewives S01E11 – Part02
As it stands:at this time; as it is now. (照目前来讲、按现在这种状况)
Anal retentiveness [rɪ’tentɪvnɪs]: it refers to a person with an “anal personality”, who’re extremely or overly neat, careful or precise. (强迫症+完美主义的综合体)
Pop out:if words pop out, you say them suddenly without thinking about it first (讲话不假思索)
Catch sb off guard:to surprise someone, esp. in a way that makes the person feel confused or uncertain. (让某人猝不及防、猎手不及,比如做坏事被抓现行)
E.G.1:Why did you do that, Bree? I was just caught off-guard. (DH S01E12)
参考翻译:Bree,你为什么这么做? –我当时毫无准备,有点猎手不及。
E.G.2:That’s funny, but actually, the dance part is to catch your opponent off guard. (DH S05E03)
Retract[rɪ’trækt]:To take back an offer or statement, etc. or admit that a statement was false. (撤回自己的某种提案或陈述,以表明该提案或陈述不成立)
Dazzle[ˈdæz(ə)l]:If you are dazzled by someone or something, you think they are extremely good and exciting. (使感到惊喜和赞叹)
E.G.1:Trust me, Bruce. After they taste these recipes, they will be onboard. Just give me the chance to dazzle them. (DH S06E19)
参考翻译:相信我 Bruce,他们尝过菜之后,一定会满意的,给我一个让他们赞叹的机会吧。
E.G.2:You obviously think you have some insight into my soul, so please go ahead, dazzle me. (DH S01E11)
Hung up on:having great or excessive interest in or preoccupation with someone or something. (心里总想着/念念不忘某人或某事)
E.G.1:I’m sure part of you does hate him, but maybe part of you is still hung up on him. (DH S01E11)
E.G.2:For months now, I’ve been hung up on looking for my dad and blaming my mom… and it’s gotten me nowhere. (DH S04E12)
片段赏析:当Karl找到Susan并告知他惨遭情人劈腿,Susan借了他一个拥抱。之后被返回取东西的Mike撞见。待到两人单独相处的时候,Mike抖出了心中的顾虑:认为Susan可能与前夫情缘未了,Susan为了让他宽心,使用了排比加两处强调(Once for all, whatsoever),详见蓝色高亮区域。
Mike:I’m sure part of you does hate him, 我相信你内心有部分肯定是憎恨他的
——>>but, you know, maybe part of you is still hung up on him. 但也许另一部分的你还想着他
Susan:Where are you getting this? 你从哪得出这样的结论
Mike:Well, he broke up with the woman he left you for. 他和那个女人分手了
——>>And what was the first thing you did 你做的第一件事
——>>you hugged him and invited him to a party. 就是拥抱他 还邀请他参加派对
Susan:Okay, the analysis part of this evening is now over. 今晚的灵魂剖析大会正式结束
Mike:Hey… You asked. – Well, you know what? 是你自己问的 –你知道吗
Susan:You’re gonna come to Julie’s party tomorrow night 你也得来参加朱莉的派对
——>>and you’re gonna see Karl and I together, 你会看到卡尔和我是怎么相处的
——>>and you’re gonna understand once and for all 你就会彻底明白
——>>that I have no feelings for him whatsoever. 无论怎样,我对卡尔已毫无感觉
Loathe[ləʊð]:To dislike somebody or something very much. (非常讨厌、极不喜欢、厌恶)
Prescription[prɪˈskrɪpʃn]:A piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the medicine or drugs that someone needs. (药方、处方)
Inflammation[ˌɪnflə’meɪʃn]:A red, painful, and often swollen area in or on a part of your body. (发炎、胀痛)
Membrane[‘membreɪn]:A thin piece of skin that covers or connects parts of a person’s or animal’s body. (身体内的膜)
Glimpse[ɡlɪmps]:to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly. (一瞥、扫视)
E.G.1:I’ve known you two weeks, and this is the first glimpse of a guy I could actually like. (DH S03E17)
E.G.2:We met Gabrielle Solis the day she moved to Wisteria Lane. We were all excited to get a glimpse of a successful New York model. (DH S02E23)
参考翻译:当我们在Gabrielle Solis搬进紫藤郡那天看到她,我们都想看一眼这个风光的纽约模特。
Remedy[ˈremədi]:a successful way of curing an illness or dealing with a problem or difficult. (治疗法、补救办法)
E.G.1:As the words “constant care” echoed in her head, Bree caught a sickening glimpse into her future…which prompted her to seek an old-fashioned remedy. (DH S01E11)
E.G.2:It’s a very powerful herbal remedy. Promise me you’ll use it judiciously. (DH S01E08)
Intriguing[ɪn’triːɡɪŋ]:Very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer. (非常有趣的、引人入胜的、激发强烈好奇心的)
E.G.1:If I want Dylan to focus on other things, I really need to make it less intriguing. (DH S04E03)
E.G.2:In spite of Mrs. Huber’s disappearance, life on Wisteria Lane started to return to normal, until an intriguing discovery was made on a dirt road next to the interstate. (DH S01E11)