
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E13 – Part01


Spank[‘spæŋk]:An act of slapping, especially on the buttocks as a punishment for children. (拍打,尤其指小孩子的屁股)

E.G.1:I don’t want to think about her, while I’m spanking you with a leather strap. (DH S01E14)


E.G.2:How many times do I have to tell you? Pick up your toys. You want a spanking? (DH S01E13)


Spanking a child

Do you think spanking is an effective way to discipline your kids?

Sometimes, parents spank their children simply because they’re pushed to their limits. When kids constantly misbehave, or being petulant and willful, parents may feel as though they are at the end of their rope and most of them adopt spanking as a last resort.

Without a consistent discipline strategy, you might feel that spanking is the best option. While spanking may alter behavior in the short-term, it rarely has a positive effect in the long term. Studies have shown that spanking is ineffective and has detrimental consequences on child development.


Have you got any tips or strategies at your disposal when it comes to dealing with naughty kids or handling a disobedient teenager? Please give us an example of how you addressed the issue in terms of tantrums, rule-breaking, or boundary-pushing.

当孩子不听话时你有管用的处理技巧和策略吗? 请举例说明你是如何处理(比如使性子、破坏规矩、挑战底线)等行为的?

Owen’s experience of dealing with child misbehavior

Well, to level with you, I don’t have too much experience of dealing with naughty kids, I’m not a qualified father, when my son was under 4 years old in a moment he was acting up, all I knew was shouting and threatening him into behaving, or even worse, punch him when I’m not in a good mood.

Now, I think I have changed, but still fall short of being a decent father. As I’m getting on, I leant some tricks of handling a naughty kid and understood how to address the issue with strategy and decency. Take my son as an example, If he refuses to eat dinner meanwhile wants his favorite junk food and sugary stuff, I will not yell or snap at him, instead, I offer him dessert as a prize for cleaning up his plate. In that case, he’ll eat as fast as possible to enjoy the sweet prize afterward. In fact, he didn’t get frustrated but rather enjoyed finding compromises from each side. My son is willing to cooperate if I offer him a good deal.

If my son has misbehaved, and he’s not ready to face the music, I would just simply talk to him like I was talking to an adult and calmly explain why he’s guilty and why he’s going to be punished, normally he’ll accept, sometimes even took the initiative to stand in the corner and reflect on his misbehavior.

These’re just my ordinary thoughts, I wish I would have time to learn all the tips necessary to make the right decision when it comes to child discipline.

Wipe the smile/smirk/grin off someone’s face:If you say that something wipes the smile off someone’s face, you mean that it suddenly spoils their enjoyment or removes an advantage that they had and that you are pleased about it. (收起某人的沾沾自喜或自鸣得意)

相关变体:Wipe/smack/slap/scrub + that look/smile/smug/smirk off one’s face.

Smug[smʌɡ]:too pleased or satisfied about something you have achieved or something you know (沾沾自喜的,自鸣得意的)

Fell smug:Very pleased and satisfied with oneself, and having no doubt about the value of what you know or have done. (自命不凡、骄傲自满)

E.G.1:Whatever little hold you had on Karl, is officially over. So, you can stop feeling all smug and superior that he kept that thing. (DH S02E07)


E.G.2:Of course, it was easy for Susan to feel smug with a daughter like Julie. She always brought home straight As. (DH S01E13)




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