
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E22 – Part01


Check into(登记入驻某地;调查某事)

1、To officially confirm one’s arrival at a certain place where one is expected, such as a hotel.

E.G.1:So, I’m gonna go and check into a hotel room and let you cool down, but we are going to work this out. (DH S02E24)

E.G.2:Your daughter’s fine. She tried to use your credit card to check into a hotel. (DH S06E16)

2、To investigate something.

E.G.1:I need you to check into someone else’s background. There’s this plumber I know. (DH S01E21)


E.G.2:Please check into these discrepancies in the budget, and let me know what you find out.


Push boundariesaim to extend beyond the established norms or constrains of something. (突破底线)

Push boundaries


1、to cause something to begin or exist.

E.G.1:Her sudden appearance was always sure to generate a few appreciative glances, a few lascivious looks, and some downright ogling. (DH S01E22)


E.G.2:I acted on my own. And I will fully cooperate with the Justice Department. We can put that out? It might generate more interest. (HOC S02E11)

参考翻译:我代表我自己行事,而且我会全力配合司法部。 — 可以这么对外说吗?这或许会引起更多的关注。

2、to produce or create sth such as energy, power, profit, heat, etc.

E.G.1:I generate an annual profit of $210 million on my own. That’s not counting the lead-in freight I push to 9:00 and 10:00. (The Newsroom S01E01)


E.G.2:When it gets cold outside, New Yorkers head inside…and look for ways to generate heat. (SATC S06E17)


Lascivious[lə’sɪviəs]:feeling or expressing strong sexual desire. (好色的、淫荡的、挑逗性的)



1、forthright and straightforward.

E.G.1:Yes, Martha Huber could be cruel, offensive and downright mean. (DH S01E11)


E.G.2:Her sudden appearance was always sure to generate a few appreciative glances, a few lascivious looks, and some downright ogling. (DH S01E22)


2、To the fullest degree, completely or totally.

E.G.1:Tom has a lot on his mind. I’m sure he didn’t mean it. You weren’t there, Bree. He was downright rude. (DH S05E16)

参考翻译:Tom有太多事要处理了 他肯定不是故意的。– 你没在场Bree,他非常没礼貌。

E.G.2:The members of the Fairview chapter of A.A. ended every meeting with a prayer. And while most were asking God for help in resisting temptation, Bree Van De Kamp was busy thinking thoughts that were downright sinful. (DH S02E20)




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