
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E22 – Part01



 1、the part of something such as a tree, tooth, arm, or leg that is left after most of it has been removed.

E.G.1:God, it has been so long since my back has acted up. Then, wham! Out of the blue, I’m crying by a tree stump. (DH S03E03)


E.G.2:He just kept hacking at it and muttering “Take that, Karen! ” under his breath. — Really?  — Yeah, you should go and look. Nothing left but a stump. (DH S08E14)

参考翻译:他不停地砍啊砍,还低声咕哝着”受死吧,凯伦”。– 真的吗?– 对,你真应该去看看,只剩树桩了。 

2、to be unable to answer a question or solve a problem because it is too difficult.

E.G.1:Lee Craig has the biggest ego of any doctor I know. If he wants to consult with someone, that means he’s stumped. Which means I’m screwed. (DH S02E22)


E.G.2:It’s a great hiding place, by the way. Had me stumped for a good four seconds. (DH S08E06)


Doorstepa step in front of an outside door. (门阶、门槛)

StretchIf you stretch a point, you describe something in way which is not accurate, although it may be partly true. (牵强附会、勉强应对、勉强说得过去、站得住脚)

E.G.1:So, it’s not such a stretch. I wonder if Paul avenged his wife’s death by killing Martha for blackmailing them. (DH S01E22)


E.G.2:Anyway, I’m thinking a brighter color for the baby’s room. Now I know it’s a bit of a stretch, but how do you feel about turquoise[‘tɜːkwɔɪz(青绿色、绿松石)]? (DH S05E16)

参考翻译:我觉得婴儿房必须是鲜艳的色调。– 我知道这可能有点说不过去,但你觉得青绿色怎么样?

Stroller [‘strəʊlə(r)]:a small folding chair on wheels that a baby or small child sits in and is pushed around in. (婴儿车)

Own up to sthadmit to having done something wrong or embarrassing or to tell the truth or to admit that you are responsible for something (承认或坦白做错某事)

E.G.1:I thought I’d get through this without cracking up, but you are just too funny. There’s a little something that I need to own up to. (DH S03E06)


E.G.2:You did this. Not your mother. At least be man enough to own up to it. (DH S01E22)

参考翻译:是你一手策划的,别赖你妈。男人一点,承认吧 !

Boulevard[‘buːləvɑːd]:a wide road in a city, usually with trees on each side or along the center. (林萌大道)


Annabel: Tom, I have had the craziest day. 汤姆 今天真是太疯狂了

——>> This morning the guys from Mitchell and Kerns今天早上米切尔和科恩斯公司

——>> called me in and offered me a job. 打电话来说要聘我

Tom: Are you gonna take it? 你要接受吗

Annabel: Well, I told Peterson about it. 我告诉彼德森了

——>> He just upped their offer. He just made me vice president! 他把待遇提升了 刚升我做了副总

Tom: Of what? 哪的副总

Annabel: Tom! The firm! 汤姆 整个公司的啊

——>> He gave me Duggan’s old job! Isn’t that wild? ! 我接替了达根 是不是很疯狂

——>> I gotta go tell Scotty. I’ll see you later. 我得去告诉斯科蒂 一会见

Dan: Tom, I was just coming to find you. 汤姆 我正要找你呢

Tom: What the hell, Dan? I mean, what the hell? 这算什么 丹 你什么意思

——>> You promoted Annabel over me? 你竟然升安娜贝尔而不是我

Dan: She got another job offer. I couldn’t afford to lose her. Not now. 有家公司来挖墙角 我可不能失去她

Tom: Well, guess what. You lose me. ’cause I quit. 好吧 那你要失去我了 我辞职

Dan: Tom, don’t overreact. 汤姆 别这么冲动

Tom: No. 不是

——>> The first time you passed me by 你第一次你没把这个机会给我

——>> I took it like a good soldier. 我服服帖帖地像接受了

——>> But since Duggan had a heart attack, 自从达根心脏病发作

——>> I have already been doing the job. 我做了那么多努力

——>> I have been doing it and then you just handed it to Annabel? 这么久了 你却突然把它给安娜贝尔了

Dan: OK. You made your point. 好吧 我明白你的意思了

Tom: You know, You make crappy decisions on a daily basis, 你虽然天天都做些蹩脚的决定

——>> Dan, I gotta tell you. 丹 我不吐不快

——>> But this one, this is the stupidest. 但这绝对是最失败的一个

Dan: Hey, watch yourself. 说话注意点

Tom: You have been running this company into the ground since you got here. 从你进公司以来 业绩一直在下滑

——>> Well, I see I’m getting out easy. 好了,这下我离开公司容易了

Dan: All right. Scavo 好吧 斯加沃

——>> You want to know why I gave that promotion to Annabel? 知道我为什么升安娜贝尔的职吗

——>> Why she got the nod instead of you? 为什么她被肯定了而不是你

——>> It was Lynette. 是因为勒奈特

Tom: What? 什么

Dan: She went to my wife and begged her. 她去求我妻子

——>> to get me to kill your promotion. 让她劝我不要升你的职

——>> She said that if you start traveling more, 她说你要是出差太多的话

——>> it’s gonna hurt your family. 会破坏你的家庭的

Tom: She did that? 她那样做了吗

Dan: Now I feel like a chump for trying to help you guys out. 我现在真后悔帮你们

——>> I guess it was another one of my crappy decisions. 也算我最失败的决定

——>> Have your desk cleaned up by ten tonight. 今晚之前 收拾好你的东西

 欧文点评:作为一部以女性为焦点的肥皂剧,《绝望的主妇》中的男性配角在这部剧当中活得很压抑、撇屈、很没有范儿。通常是处于被主导、被牵制的地位。我们从这一段Tom被老板辞退这段,可以看到他的命运完全不由自己把控。那个口口声声鄙视女人之间使用阴谋诡计操纵竞争和战斗的Lynette,有意无意地搅黄了大夫的职场升迁之路。基于对Tom的商业才能设定,做到公司副总裁的位置已经到了瓶颈。Tom自己在第一季第15集中坦言:”I am 41 years old. If I don’t make vice president now, it’s never gonna happen. This is my career. It’s important to me.”


我们从Tom公司的Spotless scrub清洁剂广告营销策划案例中,不难发现:Lynette非凡的商业才智、敏锐的洞察力以及对于职场生活的狂热倦念。

Tom vs Lynette





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