看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Set someone up

Set someone up: To deceive someone so that they fall victim to something or To make it look like someone is guilty of some crime or wrongdoing(陷害某人,诬陷某人,栽赃某人)

中文释义:Set up 这个词组常见意思是安装(They set up the sound system last night. 他们昨晚安装了音响系统)、建立(They set up a new charity for the homeless.他们为流浪者建立了一个新的基金会)等,一般是set up sth/set sth up。但是这个动词词组的宾语也可以是人,此时可以用来表示设局陷害。另外引申: frame sb. for sth“陷害某人某事”; plant sth. on sb“把某事栽赃给某人”。

Set someone up更多使用场景:


He set me up to take the blame for his mistake.(他设法让我替他承担错误的责任。)
The police accused him of setting up the robbery.(警方指控他策划了抢劫案。)
She felt like the whole thing was a set-up from the beginning.(她觉得整件事情从一开始就是个陷阱。)


They set us up with all the equipment we needed for the camping trip.(他们为我们配备了所有我们在野营旅行中需要的设备。)
My boss set me up with a laptop and a work phone on my first day.(我的老板在我第一天上班就为我配备了一台笔记本电脑和一部工作手机。)
The company set up a special training program to help employees learn new skills.(公司设立了一个特别的培训计划,帮助员工学习新技能。)

My friend set me up on a blind date with someone she thought I would like.(我的朋友安排了一次相亲,介绍给我一个她认为我会喜欢的人。)
The networking event was a great opportunity to meet new people and set up business connections.(这个社交活动是认识新人和建立商业联系的绝佳机会。)
The company CEO set up a meeting between the two departments to discuss potential collaborations.(公司CEO安排了两个部门的会议,讨论潜在的合作事宜。)

We need to set up a new system for tracking our inventory.(我们需要建立一个新的库存跟踪系统。)
They’re planning to set up a charity to help homeless people in the city.(他们计划成立一个慈善机构,帮助城市里的无家可归者。)
The government is working to set up a national healthcare program for all citizens.(政府正在努力建立一个全民的国家医疗保健计划。)

I’ll set up the projector and screen for the presentation.(我会为演示准备好投影仪和屏幕。)
She’s setting up the guest room for her sister’s visit next week.(她正在为她姐姐下周来访准备客房)


His uncle set him up in business with a loan and some good advice.(他的叔叔借给他一笔款项,并给了他一些好建议,帮他开办了自己的生意。)
She was set up with a high-paying job through her connections.(她通过自己的人脉得到了一份高薪工作。)
The company set up a retirement plan that provides generous benefits to its employees.(公司设立了一项退休计划,为员工提供慷慨的福利。)


他的叔叔借给他一笔款项并给了他一些好的建议,帮他开办了自己的生意。(He set him up in business with a loan and some good advice.)
她通过自己的人脉得到了一份高薪工作。(She was set up with a high-paying job through her connections.)
公司设立了一项退休计划,为员工提供慷慨的福利。(The company set up a retirement plan that provides generous benefits to its employees.)

与“Set sb up”相关的短语练习:




Hopped up: / 兴奋 agitated 服用药物后产生 as fresh as paint.

Positive connotations /negative

Couture: 女装

Fall collections:


Slug / slap:


I didn’t marry angry woman, I just divorce one.

What happened, Did you have some little mistress on the side?

Worse, I treated her like she was the mistress.

I set her up in a nice house. I give her allowance.

Lead vocal:

Set sb up with someone: 牵线搭桥、介绍与某人认识


Deserve some credit:

Brought sb something / business:

Word get out: (Dirty laundry)事情被知晓 Exposed / revealed

I own you.

I owe you. 我欠你的

From this moment on,

Set sb up with someone (用高频短语、从句、高级的表达方式)


  1. 我的朋友试图给我介绍她的同事,但我们之间没有什么化学反应。
  2. 他请求他的姐姐为他安排一个舞会的伴侣。
  3. 在离婚之后,安娜的朋友们为她安排了一个他们认为会很般配的男人。
  4. 莎拉的老板试图为她安排一个潜在的客户,但她觉得这个安排让她感到不舒服。


In the mood for sth: / feeling under the weather. / Feel like to do sth.

Threaten/push/persuade/ sb into dong sth.

Give someone the creeps:

Sell sb out /set me up


Get in sb’s pants.

Put your mind in the gutter.

Have a try / give it a shot


Be taken care of:

Give sb the creeps:

Go hand in hand.


Pit sb against sb: 挑拨离间
put a wedge between sb. 从中作梗


Billions 《亿万》

Supporting ACTOR


Chief of Crime. 重案组

Show up:

Work sb:

Use/take advantage of:

Put sth past sb:

Take a wild guess:

A string of words / collocation

I find it adj/n(that 从句)6123结构


The term “liberal media” is often used to describe media outlets that are perceived to have a left-leaning bias

I for one…

Stand by:

Be/stay on the sidelines.



Put it on the agenda. 提上日程


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