看绝望的主妇学中高级短语:Spiral out of control

Spiral out of control:If activities or events spiral out of control,  they change very quickly, usually gets worse, more violent etc and in an uncontrolled way. (出现螺旋式上升或下沉,以致于达到无法收拾的局面,通常用于描述某种负面的境况。注意“Things spiral out of control”与“Things get out of control/hand”相比较,前者具有更强的画面感,并且强调了一种快速升级、迭代、发酵和演变的过程。)

Spiraling out of control is a common metaphor used in talking about trade or economic conditions, as when costs and prices “spiral out of control.” The spiral is usually upwards, although there can be a downward spiral of profits or productivity.

看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Spiral out of control

以下是中高级短语“Spiral out of control”在美剧《绝望的主妇》中的情景例句:


Kendra: Mike wasn’t a drug dealer. 麦克不是毒贩

Susan: What? 什么

Kendra: Deidre was. 黛德丽才是

——>> Mike, he kicked the habit early on. 麦克很早就戒掉了

——>> But Deidre couldn’t or didn’t want to. I don’t know. 但是黛德丽戒不掉 或是不想戒

——>> Anyway, she spiraled out of control 最后她失控了

——>> and was in and out of jail. 频繁入狱


Lynette:What the hell? 怎么回事

Susan:I could hear her crying four houses away. 我隔着四栋房子都能听见她哭

Lynette:Yes. And last night, she cried just as loud, 是啊  昨晚上她哭得一样凶

——>> but two minutes later, she put herself to sleep. 两分钟以后  她自己就睡着了

——>> She was self-soothing. The system was working. 她会自我调解  这法子是有用的

Susan:I don’t care. I think it’s a crappy system for lazy moms. 我不管  我觉得这是懒妈妈的破法子

Lynette:Lazy moms? Who are you to talk? 懒妈妈  你在跟谁说话呢?

——>>You have one kid every… 18 years. 你18年才养一个孩子

——>>Me–I’ve got five in the house at the same time. 我  我这家里同时有五个孩子

——>>It’s a war. 这是场战争

——>>So if I need to put my baby on a schedule 我得想办法让宝宝起居有规律

——>>to stop my life from spiraling out of control, 免得把我的生活搞得乱七八糟

——>>That’s what I’m gonna do. 我就得这样做

“Spiral”这个词的其它常见搭配:Spiral upward/downward:

E.G.1:I’m gonna say the wires represent industry –an endless loop spiraling downward. (节选自:White Collar S04E15 12:44)

E.G.2:Putting off your dreams and then having your life spiral down the crapper? It couldn’t be more perfect. (节选自:DH S06E15 23:03)

“Spiral out of control”与“Spin out of control”的区别:

Spinning out of control is not something one usually says of, say, a football or a bullet, since the spin is in those cases an important means of control. One can, of course, spin out of control, especially if you are driving a car on an icy road. Professional drivers sometimes use the term “spin out” to indicate a sort of rotary change of direction while skidding around uncontrollably. Sometimes, but not always, the vehicle will actually spin.


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