看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Take one’s chances
Take one’s chances: To do something even though it might fail; To seize and make the most of opportunities as they present themselves. As in “You know that this deal could bankrupt the company, right?” B: “But if it works, it will make us a fortune. Let’s take our chances.”

中文释义:Take one’s chances=take chances=take a chance,可不是抓住机会的意思哦,它的意思是愿意冒险、碰运气、愿意试一试、赌一把。它与 “take a risk(of)sth” 意思基本相同。例句:A: Have you ever gone bungee jumping? B: No, I don’t like to take chances. (A: 你玩过蹦极跳吗?B: 没有,我不喜欢碰运气。)
