看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Take the heat off sb

Take the heat off sb/sth:To alleviate the pressure placed on someone or something.  If someone or something takes the heat off you, he, she, or it reduces the amount of criticism, challenge, pressure you have to deal with: (减轻或消除某人所面临的压力、批评或责难,帮助他们减轻困难或危险的境况。可以理解为帮助某人分担压力或危险,以便让他们更轻松地应对局面。)

看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Take the heat off sb

以下是高频短语“Take the heat off someone”在美剧《绝望主妇》中的情景例句:

E.G.1:There’s a cop I want you to talk to. — A cop? — His name is Sullivan. I paid him to take the heat off you for your neighbor’s murder. (DH S01E19 05:42)

E.G.2:I have been naked on this street. It would be nice to take the heat off that story. (DH S05E14 22:39)

E.G.3:Mm, for what it’s worth, it might take the heat off you. No one judges the woman from the looney bin When there’s a stripper next door. (DH S06E15 32:32)

以下是高频短语“Take the heat off someone”的更多例句:

E.G.1:When the CEO’s scandal was exposed, the PR team quickly devised a plan to take the heat off the company by releasing a statement apologizing for the incident and outlining steps to prevent it from happening again.


E.G.2:The lawyer tried to take the heat off her client by presenting evidence that someone else could have committed the crime.



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