
《Vicky Cristina Barcelona》是由伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)执导、编剧和制作的浪漫喜剧电影,于2008年上映。该电影拥有一支实力派演员阵容,包括斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)、佩内洛普·克鲁兹(Penélope Cruz)、哈维尔·巴登(Javier Bardem)和丽贝卡·霍尔(Rebecca Hall)。


剧情梗概: 故事跟随两位美国女友,Vicky(丽贝卡·霍尔饰)和Cristina(斯嘉丽·约翰逊饰),她们决定在巴塞罗那度过她们的夏季。Vicky 订婚了,实际、保守、智力化;而Cristina则充满冒险精神、冲动和对新经验的开放。两人都与Juan Antonio(哈维尔·巴登饰),一个充满激情和魅力的艺术家,展开了一场性爱游戏,并决定前往奥维耶多度过周末。

回到巴塞罗那后,Cristina和Juan Antonio开始了一段充满激情的关系,但当他的前妻、易怒且不可预测的艺术家Maria Elena(佩内洛普·克鲁兹饰)再次出现时,情况变得更加复杂。三人卷入了一场动荡且复杂的恋爱三角关系,探索了爱、激情和人类关系的复杂性。

趣闻: 该电影包含许多有意思的趣闻,既有趣味性又发人深省。电影中最有趣的趣闻之一是Juan Antonio角色的描绘。他迷人、自由、充满激情,但也有缺陷和复杂性。伍迪·艾伦将他描绘成一个既浪漫又务实的人物,利用他对艺术和生活的热情来应对困难的关系。


启示和鼓舞人心的表达: 该电影提供了几个对于爱和关系的深刻思考和启示。以下是其中一些经典台词:

“The heart is a very, very resilient little muscle.” – Juan Antonio (”心脏是一个非常非常有韧性的小肌肉。” – Juan Antonio)

“We are not just our sexuality. We are everything.” – Vicky (”我们不仅仅是我们的性。我们是一切。” – Vicky)

“The only way to be happy is to love. Unless you love, your life will flash by.” – Maria Elena (”唯一快乐的方式就是爱。除非你爱了,否则你的生命就会匆匆过去。” – Maria Elena)

“You have to learn to select your thoughts the same way you select your clothes every day.” – Maria Elena (”你必须学会像每天挑选衣服一样挑选你的想法。” – Maria Elena)


总体而言,《Vicky Cristina Barcelona》是一部充满热情、充满生命力和充满思考的电影,提供了深刻的启示和令人难忘的表达。


Vicky Cristina Barcelona” is a romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Woody Allen, released in 2008. The film features an ensemble cast that includes Scarlett Johansson, Penélope Cruz, Javier Bardem, and Rebecca Hall.

Synopsis: The story follows two American friends, Vicky (Rebecca Hall) and Cristina (Scarlett Johansson), who decide to spend their summer in Barcelona. Vicky is engaged to be married and is practical, reserved, and intellectual, while Cristina is adventurous, impulsive, and open to new experiences. Both women become involved with Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem), a passionate and charismatic artist who proposes a weekend trip to Oviedo, where the three of them engage in a sexual tryst.

Upon their return to Barcelona, Cristina and Juan Antonio begin a passionate relationship, but it is complicated when his ex-wife, the volatile and unpredictable artist Maria Elena (Penélope Cruz), re-enters the picture. The three of them become involved in a turbulent and complicated love triangle, exploring the themes of love, passion, and the complexities of human relationships.

Juicy anecdotes: The movie features many juicy anecdotes that are both amusing and thought-provoking. One of the most interesting anecdotes in the film is the portrayal of Juan Antonio’s character. He is charming, spontaneous, and passionate, but also flawed and complex. Woody Allen portrays him as a character who is both romantic and pragmatic, using his passion for art and life to navigate his way through difficult relationships.

Another fascinating aspect of the film is the exploration of different cultural attitudes towards love and sexuality. Woody Allen contrasts the American characters’ more traditional and conservative attitudes towards love and relationships with the Spanish characters’ more passionate and unconventional approach.

Enlightments and Inspirational Expressions: The film offers several enlightening insights into love and relationships. One of the central themes of the movie is the idea that love is not always a straightforward and rational choice. Love can be complicated, unpredictable, and messy, and people often find themselves drawn to partners who are not necessarily a good match for them.

The film also touches on the theme of personal freedom and the pursuit of happiness. The character of Cristina embodies the idea that one must take risks and be open to new experiences in order to find true happiness and fulfillment.

Famous Lines: The movie features several memorable lines that have become famous quotes. Here are a few examples:

“The heart is a very, very resilient little muscle.” – Juan Antonio
“You are the only person in the world that knows exactly what I’m saying.” – Maria Elena
“We are meant for each other and not meant for each other. It’s a contradiction.” – Vicky

In summary, “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” is a captivating and thought-provoking film that explores the complexities of human relationships, the pursuit of happiness, and the cultural differences in attitudes towards love and sexuality.


103–American? 美国人?

104–I’m Cristina and this is my friend, Vicky 我叫克里斯蒂娜 这位是我朋友维姬

105–What color are your eyes? 你的眼睛什么颜色?

106–They’re blue. 蓝色

107–I would like to invite you both to come with me to Oviedo 我想邀请你们二位与我同去奥维耶多

108–To come where? 去哪?

109–To Oviedo. 奥维耶多

110–For the weekend. We leave in one hour. 这周末 一小时内动身

111–Where is Oviedo? 奥维耶多在哪?

112—A very short flight. -By plane? – 坐飞机很快就到 – 得坐飞机?

113–What’s in Oviedo 奥维耶多有什么?

114–A sculpture that is very inspiring to me 有座雕塑 是我灵感的源泉

115–A very beautiful sculpture. You’ll love it. 那雕塑很美 你们肯定喜欢

116–You’re asking us to fly to Oviedo and back? 你是要我们飞去奥维耶多再飞回来?

117–No, we’ll spend the weekend. I’ll show you around the city. 不 我们共度周末 我可以带你们到处转转

118–We’ll eat well, we’ll drink good wine, we’ll make love. 吃点好的 喝点好酒 再做做爱

119–Who exactly is going to make love? 你是说 谁要做爱?

120–Hopefully, the three of us.  如果顺利的话 咱三个一起

121—Oh, my God. -I’ll get your bill. – 额滴神啊 – 我来付账

122–This guy doesn’t beat around the bush. 这家伙一点弯子都不绕

123–Look, senor, maybe in a different life. 听着 先生 下辈子再说吧

124–Why not? Life is short. 干嘛不呢? 生活短暂啊

125–Life is dull. Life is full of pain. This is a chance for something special. 生活又枯燥 又充满痛苦 趁这机会尝点新鲜

126–Right. Who exactly are you? 得了 你到底是哪位?

127–I am Juan Antonio. And you are…我叫胡安 安东尼奥 你叫…

128–…Vicky, and you are Cristina. Right? 维姬 你叫克里斯蒂娜 对吧?

129–Or is it the other way around? 还是应该倒过来?

130–It could be the other way around…倒过来也行 事实上这无关紧要

131–…because either of us will do to keep the bed warm. I get it. 要暖床的话我俩谁都成 我清楚

132–Well, you are both so lovely and beautiful. 你们二位都如此美丽动人

133–Well, thank you, but we do not fly off to make love…多谢你了 但我们不会跟随便一个人

134–…with whoever invites us to charming little Spanish towns. 飞去西班牙迷人的小城做爱

135–Does she always analyze every inspiration…她是不是总这样 分析每一丝灵感

136–…until each grain of charm is…直到点点滴滴的迷人的特质…

137–…squeezed out of it? 都被榨干殆尽。

138–I guess I have to say that…我想我必须得说…

139–…my eyes are green, actually. 我的眼睛其实是绿色的

140–I wouldn’t call our reluctance… 我不认为我们的对欣然接受你的性事邀约持反对意见

141–…to leap at your sexual offer being over-analytical. 是一种过度的谨慎和保守

142–If you would care to join us for some…如果你是想与我们一起

143–recognized form of social interaction like a drink, we’d be fine…有个正常形式(不超出道德和伦理和社会准则范围之外的)的社交 比如一起喝点酒 我们都乐意接受

144–…but otherwise, I think you should try offering to some other table. 要不然的话 我建议你还是去别的桌子试试吧

145–What offended you about the offer? 我的建议哪里冒犯着你了?

146–Surely not that I find you both beautiful and desirable. 肯定不是我说你们二位美丽动人的时候

147–Offended me? No. 冒犯我? 当然没有

148–It’s very amusing…galling, to be honest, but…. 这是可笑 让人恼怒 说实话…

149–Is it getting a little late? 是我的问题 还是真的很晚了?

150–I would love to go to Oviedo. 我非常乐意去奥维耶多

151–What? Are you kidding? 什么? 你开玩笑吧?

152–I think it would be so much fun. I’d love to go. 我觉得这挺好玩的 我很想去

153–Can we discuss this some other time? 克里斯蒂娜 我们能改天再讨论么?

154–When I saw you across the room at the art gallery…在画廊 当我看到你在房间那头

155–…I noticed you have…我就注意到 你有着…

156–…beautiful lips. Very full, very sensual. 美丽的双唇 充满着肉欲

157–Thank you. 谢谢

158–I can’t guarantee the lovemaking–I happen to be very moody. 我不能保证跟你做爱 因为我很情绪化

159–Let’s not negotiate like a contract. 不要跟谈合同一样好不好

160–I came over here with no subterfuge, and presented my best offer. 我是诚心诚意过来的 倾我所有

161–I hope you will discuss it and give me the pleasure to take you with me to Oviedo 我希望你们讨论一下 让我有幸能带你们同去奥维耶多

162–I have the good fortune to borrow my friend’s plane. 我可以借到朋友的飞机

163–It’s just big enough for the three of us and I’m a very good pilot. 只够坐我们三个 我开飞机很有一手

164–It sounds very safe. 听上去可真安全

165–Think it over. 考虑一下吧

166–I hope you’re joking about going. 我希望你是说着玩的

167—This guy is so interesting. -Interesting? – 这家伙挺有意思的 – 有意思?

168–What’s so interesting? He wants to get us both into bed. 有啥意思? 他想把我们俩骗上床

169–But he’ll settle for either. In this case, you. 但一个也成 这次就上你

170–Vicky, I’m a big girl, okay? If I want to sleep with him, I will. If not, I won’t. 维姬 我不是小孩子了 好么? 跟不跟他上床 由我自己决定

171–Cristina, he’s a total stranger. This is impulsive, even for you…克里斯蒂娜 他根本是个陌生人 即使是你 这样做也太冲动了

172–…and if I heard right, he was violent with his wife. 如果我没听错 他对他妻子用过暴力

173–At least he’s not one of those factory-made zombies. 起码他还不是毫无感情的僵尸

174–This is a great way to get to know him. 这样认识他再好不过

175–No, it’s not. I’m not going to Oviedo…不 一点也不 我才不要去奥维耶多

176–…with this charmingly candid wife beater. 还是跟个直言不讳的暴力狂

177–You find his aggressiveness attractive, but I don’t. 你觉得他的主动进攻很有吸引力 但我不这么认为

178–And he’s certainly not handsome. 而且他一点也不帅

179–I think he’s very handsome. He has a great look. I mean, he’s really sexy. 我觉得他挺帅的 长得不错 你知道的 他超性感啊

180–Well, you would, because you’re a neurotic. 你当然这么觉得啦 你脑袋秀逗了

181–Well, you would, because you’re a neurotic. 但你真得佩服他尝试的勇气

182–What? It’s all bullshit. 得了吧 他简直是贱到透顶

183–I’m not going to Oviedo. First off, I never heard of Oviedo. 我绝不会去奥维耶多 首先 我从没听说过有这地方

184–I’m not going to Oviedo. First off, I never heard of Oviedo. 而且他也对我没吸引力 第三 假使我没订婚

185–…and was free to have some kind of dalliance with a Spaniard, I wouldn’t pick this one. 天下西班牙人任我调戏 我也不会挑中这位

186–Oh, hi. I can’t talk right now. 喂? 嘿 我现在不方便说话

187–I’m trying to save Cristina from making a potentially fatal mistake. 我正试图从一个可能致命的错误中 把克里斯蒂娜解救出来呢

188–What? No, the usual. 什么? 不 跟往常一样

189–I’ll call you back. 我再打给你

190–I love you, too. 我也爱你

191–If we go back to the house now, we can just throw some things in a bag and we’ll meet him there. 如果我们现在回去 就可以赶快打包去跟他碰头

192–I took an instant liking to this guy. 我相信我对他的第一直觉

193–He’s not one of these cookie-cutter molds. He’s creative and artistic. 他不是那种墨守成规的人 他富有创造力和艺术气息

194–Cookie-cutter mold? 墨守成规?

195–Is that what you think of Doug? 你就是这么看道格的?

196–Doug? Who said anything about Doug? 道格? 谁说道格了啊?

197–It’s ridiculous. You like the way it sounds to pick up and fly off in an airplane. 这真可笑 你就是喜欢 人家接你上飞机到处玩

198–I know. I don’t know why I’m so scared, unless I’m scared of myself. 我知道 我不明白我害怕什么 除非我是害怕我自己

199–It’s a mistake, Cristina. 这是个错误 克里斯蒂娜

sculpture: 雕塑


dalliance:戏混、 嬉闹

be inspiring to sb: 对某人很有启发或让人很受激励和鼓舞

show/take sb around somewhere: 带某人参观某地 注:这里的show相对take而言,前者相对正式,一般带有目的性,后者则比较随意。场景关联:带客户参观公司应用show,带女朋友出去走走可用take。

I’ll get your bill. 我买埋单。类似场景表达:It’s on me! 算我的!It is my treat! 这顿我请!Let me get/cover this! 让我来吧!Be my guest! 我请客!

beat around the bush: 拐弯抹角

the other way around: 从相反反向(倒过来)

happen to: 碰巧; 正巧



think it over:请仔细/慎重考虑

settle for:to accept less than you wanted (将就、满足于)

be violent with someone: 对某人粗暴无礼

factory-made zombies:原来女人形容男人无趣还可以这么表达!

charmingly candid wife-beater:迷人坦率的虐妻男人

aggressiveness:锐决进取、激进、莽撞 (这个词要结合具体语境来理解,有时候是褒义,有时则可能是贬义)


no-bullshit approach:直言不讳的方式

find someone winning:发现某人的迷人或优越之处 (这里的winning应理解为“胜利、成功”的拓展意思:“有获得女人青睐的优势。”–可以是迷人的外表、可以是渊博的学识、可以是健壮的体格等等。)

engage:这个词一般用于三种场景:1、谈婚论嫁或者男女之事时,指“定婚”;2、接打电话时,听到这个词,是指“正忙”3、用于“engage sb in sth”这类短语则表示:使某人从事或参与某事。

took an instant liking to sb:乍一见某人就瞧着顺眼、有好感(还没到一见钟情的地步)

cookie-cutter moods:千篇一律的、俗套的 (突然想到了“cliche”这个词)

creative and artistic:某些女人对(有艺术范和个性的)男子毫无抵抗力


1、 “Does she always analyze every inspiration until each grain of charm is squeezed out of it?” 这句话怎么翻译?

2、” I wouldn’t call our reluctance to leap at your sexual offer being over-analytical” 请问这句话应该如何理解?
3、 Try to make sentences by using “happen to”, “settle for”, “engage sb in sth” 请尝试使用上面三个常用短语造句。

clear sth up with someone: 向某人澄清某事
crawl up a Ferris wheel to talk to somebody. 费了九牛二虎之力才得以与人搭上话
be drawn to someone:把某人深深吸引而无法自拔
what a line! 对别人的话表示感叹、吃惊或为其叫好,类似于中文:瞧您这话说的!
what a line! 对别人的话表示
get sb wrong: 误会了某人的意思
pensive: 愁眉苦脸或郁闷不乐
figure sth out: 搞清楚或解决掉某事


The phrase “a grain of sth” is typically used to refer to a small amount of something, often a small particle or speck. Here are three examples of its usage:

  1. “A grain of salt” – meaning to take something with a degree of skepticism or doubt
  2. “A grain of sand” – referring to a small particle of sand
  3. “A grain of truth” – meaning a small amount of truth in an otherwise false statement

In Chinese: “一粒某物” 通常用来指代某种物质的少量,通常是一小粒或小颗粒。 以下是三个例子:

  1. “一粒盐” – 意思是对某事持怀疑态度或怀疑
  2. “一粒沙” – 指一小粒沙子

“一粒真相” – 意思是在否定的陈述中存在少量的真相。






Life is short, life is dull, life is full of pain. This’s a chance for something special.

Passionate /impulsive.

Live life to the fullest. / living in the moment.

Either of us will do to keep the bed warm. I get it. Sexcapade

We do not fly off to make love with whoever invites us to charming little Spanish towns.

Juan: Does she always analyze every inspiration until each grain of charmis squeezed out of it?

Vicky: I wouldn’t call our reluctance to leap at your sexual offer being over-analytical. (Prudent, hesitation)

Leap at sth: Eagerly accept or take advantage of an opportunity or offer presented to someone.

If you would care to join us for some recognized form of social interaction like a drink, we’d be fine…but otherwise, we think you should try offering to some other table.

Cross the line.

Galling: something that is irritating, upsetting, or annoying, often to the point of causing frustration or anger.

Cristina: impulsive, passionate, free-spirited.

Every shred of one’s dignity

An ounce of remorse

Every share of one’s problems/blames/…

A grain of sand / salt/ truth

restlessness and curiosity about the world outside of her structured life.


Subterfuge  [‘sʌbtəfjuːdʒ] : “Subterfuge” refers to a deceitful or deceptive strategy used to conceal or disguise one’s true intentions or actions. It involves using trickery or cunning to achieve a goal or to gain an advantage over others.

Ulterior motive:

candid man:

Give sb the pleasure to do sth:

Impulsive/reckless: impulsive refers to acting or reacting quickly without much thought or consideration of the consequences.


Charmingly candid wife beater.

Aggressiveness: Aggressiveness is the quality of being inclined to attack or confront others, either verbally or physically. It refers to a behavioral trait characterized by hostility, assertiveness, and a tendency to be combative. This can manifest in various ways, such as through physical violence, verbal aggression, or even just a general attitude of hostility or irritability towards others.


No-bullshit approach:

Find sb winning:

Dalliance with Spaniard:

“Dalliance” refers to a casual romantic or sexual relationship or flirtation, often brief and not serious in nature.

I’m trying to save Cristina from making a potentially fatal mistake.

Take an instant liking to sb.

Cookie-cutter molds.


“Catalan identity” refers to the sense of cultural, linguistic, and political identity held by the people of Catalonia, a region located in northeastern Spain. This identity is characterized by a strong attachment to the Catalan language, traditions, history, and institutions, as well as a desire for greater autonomy or even independence from the Spanish state.

Change of scenery:

Fall into place:

Put sb up for sth:

The phrase “put sb up for sth” means to nominate or propose someone for a particular position, job, or task. It can also mean to offer someone accommodation for a temporary period of time.


Had no tolerance for pain(居安思乐) and no lust for combat.(与世无争)

Grounded: “Grounded” means being well-balanced, rational, and sensible. It can also refer to a person who is calm and in control of their emotions, or to someone who is restricted to a particular place or unable to travel due to practical or legal reasons.

Decent and successful, Beauty of commitment. 承诺的美丽

Suffering as an inevitable component of deep passion and was resigned to putting her feelings at risk.

The phrase “be resigned to do sth” means to accept that something unpleasant or undesired must be done, even though one may not want to do it or feel unhappy about it.

Jump into the unknow

Certainty and leading a structured life.


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