The reason why desperate housewives is the most suitable tv-show for intermediate english learners — Owen Lee
It all started with an enchanted serendipity. I simply watched one episode of Desperate Housewives right after the 2008 summer Olympics was held in Beijing — I guess, after finished binge-watching Prision Break, I just wanted a change of pace.
I didn’t mean to spend 18 months glued to the screen watching a soap opera loved mostly by members of the opposite sex. Then again, I couldn’t have imagined that Desperate Housewives was so compelling and interesting! — Illicit affairs, business scenarios, murders, scheming, dark secrets, and literary narratives, it all wrapped up as a comedy. Awesome!
I’m one hundred percent positive that Desperate Housewives is the most incredible TV-show for Intermediate English learners. I’ve been watching English TV-shows for 15 years, and to be honest, DH is the only one that I devoted myself in it for more than 3 times for the first season.
Here are some of the key elements that I believe would infuse more or less excitement along the way of our learning journey:
Firstly, DH features a considerable amount of idiomatic expressions which facilitates us to communicate with native speakers in a more confident and natural way, and by proper applying these idioms will definitely add colors to effective communication.
Secondly, DH contains sufficient daily conversations which can be easily integrated into real-life situations. From growing pain to living pleasure, friendship to love, romance to hatred, campus to church, neighborhood scenarios to business settings… you name it.
Thirdly, DH covers a wide-range of vocabularies and various sentence structures which enables us to build up words and phrases that suits our specific needs and liking.
To top it all off, the literary narrative style of this drama is what I can make the most of it, as the narrator demonstrates the meaning of life, the setting of the scene, the inner voice of the characters in a coherent and correspondent manner, those refined words and illustrative pictures enlightens me to form sophisticated sentences in a relatively profound way, apart from that, It also inspired me to explorer deep-rooted cultural differences and values.

Gaby is desperate because she was in the suburbs and her husband wasn’t paying attention to her and she was bored and she was having an affair, and she used to be a fashion model.
Lynette is desperate becuase her kids were little when the husband was always away on business trip and she doesn’t know how to deal with their kids and the kids are driving her crazy, and she used to be a career woman. (She’s selfish, stylish, seductive, high-maintenance)

Bree is desperate because she’s the perfect wife and mother but she’s driving her husband and kids crazy with her perfection and the husband wants a divorce in the pilot that’s why she’s desperate.

Susan’s desperate because her husband had left her and she had a twelve-year-old daughter and she’s in her late 30th and like a lot of those women’s fantasy she wants back in on the fairy tale and she’s desperate to get one more chance back in.
Bree的缺点就是太过要求完美了,大到她对哲学理论的质疑,小到她对婚姻咨询师一粒扣子的洞察,充分证明Bree她这个人眼里容不得半点沙子,而往往这样的人多少都会有不同程度的洁癖和强迫症,有时候甚至可以说是变态了!比如,她跟Rex在doing the sticky的时候, 因为某个物品没摆放整齐而中止房事,因此不受身边至亲至爱的人所待见。
关于Susan:年轻的时候作为校园拉拉队长,Susan是那种胸无城府、活泼可爱的邻家女孩。一直以来她童心未泯,作为一名儿童书籍插画师,她能很快与孩子们打成一片;即使是婚后作为孩子的母亲,跟自己的女儿无话不谈, 始终保持着一份天真与率性。